$ 499.00/mo
$ 0/one time fee
We do not store your credit card personal data. You will be forwarded into PayPal enviroment to proceed with your payment. Credit card payments are also processed through PayPal, but there is no need to have a PayPal account (so called anonymous payments).
You need to have your own CoverPage account first. If you have one, enter the username and password. If you are new here, this will stand for the registration and entered details will be your CoverPage account credentials.
Your payment receipts will be posted to your account.
Plan Type: single edition
Platform: One platformAll platformsHTML
Price: $499.00 /mo
Total: $499.00 /month +
$0 /one time fee
You will be billed $499.00 one time fee when you click Confirm. By clicking Confirm, you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy